Wednesday 19 June 2013

Ms: Brunch at Manchester Press

9am, woke up to a beautiful sunny Wednesday! Met up with le bestie and le friend for brunch in the city. Initial plan was to go Mart 130 but somehow we ended up in Manchester Press.

Temporary saying goodbye to gloomy and drizzling winter
Entrance to MP a quiet street
Wheee~ My favourite Hot Chocolate for me! 
How can i say no to a cup of warm, smooth and creamy hot chocolate on a chilly weather? AND IT'S CHOCOLATE. We were debating what my 'coffee art' is and my conclusion is that it's an one eyed hairy big headed alien.

Apparently drinking coffee is one of the must-do-things in Melbourne because there's a lot of good coffees around. So why hot chocolate? Yes i do drink coffee but i choose not to because i don't know why i just can't stand the smell of peeing coffee, it feels... weird. LOL!

Latte for le bestie. I told her it's a lion but she says it's a man with beard and he seems to have dropped his eyelash.
Chai Latte with honey for le friend. So sad the barista gave her a tea leaf =(
My choice: Toasted wholemeal bagel with Ham, Cheese & Tomato
I find this nothing special to shout out, maybe because i choosed the non-special dish? I am not a fancy food eater so i always go for the safe and common dish in the menu.

For le bestie: Zucchini Soup with poppyseed bagel
For le friend: Toasted bagel with Grilled Blue Cheese w/ Grapes, Roquette  & Walnuts
Le bestie spotted a disco ball hanging above us
Pardon me without my head
After the meal we strolled from Manchester Press to Flinders Station as i have to meet up with Mr. We walked past a water-wall on Collins St and le bestie said that people stick leaves on it to form words so out of curiosity, we went to experiment and had fun forming our initials on it. Le friend manage to form her initial "YL" which so happens to be le bestie's initial too. I wanted to spell my name but with limited time and not much fallen leaves on the road, i can only make out a "y". So sad =( 

Three of us with our mutual initial
Who's who? 
Random: Me waiting for Mr while he's trying on clothes
I don't think i will go back to MP anytime soon cause there are many more places i have yet to try out, maybe sometime in the future when i miss my alien-ish coffee art?

Manchester Press on Urbanspoon

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